Our 6th graders have decided to approach the pandemic in an interactive way. Through the use of critical cartoons, quizzes, footages, videos, informative texts and interviews, they did a fantastic job in order to boost public awareness about the pandemic and the fake news that surround it. Using their critical thinking, the students have created all the content below with the purpose of transforming ideas into real projects.
Nossos alunos do 6º ano decidiram abordar a pandemia de modo interativo. Por meio do uso de charges críticas, quizzes, montagens, vídeos, textos informativos e entrevistas, eles fizeram um trabalho fantástico a fim de incentivar a consciência da população acerca da pandemia e das fake news que a cercam. Usando o senso crítico, os estudantes criaram todo o conteúdo abaixo de modo a transformar ideias em projetos reais.

Critical cartoon referring to those who disrespect quarantine. Made by Enzo Ornellas Leite 6º Ano C – Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí
According to recent research and tests, the vaccine can cause side effects like high fever, frequent vomiting and even cardiac arrhythmia for around 2 weeks after the shot. These symptoms are caused by a reaction from our immune system that identifies the vaccine as an “intruder”.
This happens to 78% of the people who take them. The Vaccine Institute says that it is an uncommon reaction, once vaccines against other diseases don’t cause any side effects and have a 100% of effectiveness. They are still making improvements on its composition, according to the Centre de Soins de Santé et de Rechersche (C.S.S.R.), located in France.
Did you like the reading? Did you think it was informative and educational? But most importantly: Did you BELIEVE all that? This was all FAKE INFORMATION and you fell right into the trap, didn’t you? This was FAKE NEWS! Check some FAKE INFORMATION we put in the text:
- The “Vaccine Institute” and the “Centre de Soins de Santé et de Recherche (C.S.S.R.)” are NOT real places. They don’t exist!
- Vaccines don’t cause cardiac
- Possible side effects from the vaccine don’t last 2
- The 78% statistics was
- Vaccines against other diseases do cause side
- Other vaccines are NOT 100%
Written by Ana Luisa Carvalho Butschowitz – 6º Ano C, Isadora Pinho Gelmetti – 6º Ano B and Joana Martinho – 6º Ano B – Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí.

Critical cartoon made by Julia Trivinho 6º Ano C - Colégio São Vicente de Paulo - Jundiaí
To have a better understanding about physical and mental health during the pandemic, students interviewed some professionals in the medical field. They came up with questions which they thought everyone wanted to know the answers to.

At first, Artur Ichio Pillon interviews Dr. Eduardo Yonesawa Pillon, 47 years old, CRM 86.847, General Practitioner at an UBS, in Jundiaí, about important aspects of coronavirus.
Check some of the doctor’s answers on this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13YV7v5C4TO4qKds0KuUgr-3pXoFaxKDt/view
1) Can a person be infected twice?
Yes. There are cases already registered and officially notified to the Ministry of Health. Until May 15th, there were 18 cases of reinfection by covid-19 in Brazil.
2) Which is the best covid test to do
The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is the most widely used molecular test to detect coronavirus and confirm infection. It detects the virus in samples taken from nasopharynx and oropharynx by amplifying viral genetic material. It must be collected between the 1st and the 10th day of symptoms.
3) What are the main forms of covid contagious?
The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. People may also become infected by touching surfaces that have been contaminated by the viruswhen touching their eyes, nose or mouth without cleaning their hands.
4) If a person is vaccinated, does he/she need to continue with normal care?
According to a survey by “Fleury”, 70% of vaccinated people produce neutralizing antibodies, but 30% of those vaccinated don’t produce these antibodies and are susceptible to the disease. Therefore, even vaccinated, we must maintain the social distance, wear a mask and hand hygiene.
Written and produced by Artur Ichio Pillon – 6º ano C, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí

Secondly, Maria Luiza Ferretti interviews Dra. Fernanda Ferretti Polezi, 42 years old, CRP 69.440, a pychologist at Clínica Interage, in Jundiaí.
Check some of the doctor’s answers on this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/143VJFPEaDcy6qUKGlG-qNHartVJt83sC/view
1) What are the main tips for people who have their mental health affected by covid-19 or the pandemic?
Try to do pleasurable and distracting things like: reading a book, listening to music, doing physical exercises, and if you can’t feel better, look for professional help.
2) What are some of the common symptoms that show that people have bad mental health?
A lot of anxiety, insecurity, stress, fear, discouragement and solitude. The symptoms, if not treated, may lead to depression.
3) What are the biggest complaints that you have heard from patients during quarantine?
The biggest complaints I receive during quarantine are: fear, concern, uncertainty about the future, anxiety and professional/financial issues.
4) What are the main challenges of your work during quarantine?
The main challenges were really trying to keep the patients calm, control their emotions and reduce anxiety. Also, the issue of online services rushing to be super functional ended up making it even more stressful for everyone.
Written and produced by Maria Luiza F. Polezi – 6º ano A, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí

Lastly, Isabella Saory Miho Kaneshi interviews Dra. Mariana Fonsceca Kaneshi, 37 years old, senior psychology student, about how to deal with mental health in pandemic.
Check some of the doctor’s answers on this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14D6NOh2hovpaXFN-uGaaat3hDH1JLFPE/view?usp=drivesdk
1) How to deal with pandemic solitude?
The loneliness comes by the lack of contact with people due to social isolation. Today, with the digital era, we have several means of communication that help us be closer to people through tools such as video calls and messages via whatsapp. This is a way of dealing with pandemic loneliness.
2) How to deal with all the deaths and contaminations without being anxious?
We always need to be responsible in relation to contamination, doing our part to prevent and help protect other people as well. This way we can feel more secure and thus reduce our anxiety. As for deaths, it is harder because it is a point that affects us a lot. I believe that following the protocols and helping in the prevention impacts on the reduction of deaths caused by the virus, and this helps us reduce our anxieties. Family conversations in schools and groups on the subject also come as an important point for the reduction of anxieties caused by the pandemic.
3) If a person has a panic attack during quarantine, what should he/she do?
First, the person will need help, taking them to a safe place and asking them to remain calm, trying to breathe more deeply until the crisis passes. Then he/she needs professional help (from psychologists and psychiatrist) to help reduce symptoms.
4) How can we keep sane and at the same be informed about the pandemic?
We have to really confirm about the information we read about the pandemic because there are many that are fake news. We need to stay informed, yes, but not stay focused on it all the time, we have to give our mind a break and do other things we like to help us get through this pandemic time.
Produced by Isabella S. M. Kaneshi – 6º ano C, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo Jundiaí.
Time to see if you really paid attention!
Take the quiz and find out: https://kahoot.it/challenge/07601967?challenge-id=e84c676d-ba91-466a-b30d-ae06f11d0919_1627998864715
Written and produced by Alice Atui Ferrazzo – 6º ano C, Gabriela Pedras Martinelli – 6º ano C and Tarso Rodrigues Pena e Lopes – 6º ano B, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí.
Click on the link and have fun filling in the blanks below: https://crosswordlabs.com/view/newspaper-cross-word

Written and produced by Julia Trivinho Marchioni Goulart – 6º ano C, Enzo Ornellas Leite – 6º ano C and Enzo Gerim Ferrari- 6º ano B, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí

Cartoon made by Enzo Gerim, 6º Ano B, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí
If the pandemic happened 30 years ago, many things would be different.
The games wouldn’t be like today, it would be like spinning top and old videogames like Atari, Megadrive, Super Mario and other video games. At that time, it was also more complicated to communicate. Today we can send a quick message on whatsapp, but before, you couldn’t even “save” someone’s phone number on your landline phone. You either had to memorize the phone number or look it up on a phone list.
Many workers would lose their jobs if they didn’t have money to pay for the internet at that time (it was expensive!)
Nowadays most children have online classes, but the children of the 90’s couldn’t keep the classes online, because not many people had internet connection. Maybe they would just “listen” to the classes.
So, could you survive the pandemic in the 90’s?
Check some 90’s pictures:

Ana Beatriz Castilho – 6º Ano B, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí answering the classic 90’s phone

Cristhiano Gouvea – 6º Ano C, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí watching “O Programa do Gugu” on a beautiful 90’s Sunday

Cristhiano Gouvea – 6º Ano C, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí looking a number up in a telephone list

Graziela Torezan – 6ºAno A, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí communicating with her friend by letters

Graziela Torezan – 6ºAno A, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí watching “Jornal Nacional” with a very young William Bonner

Cristhiano Gouvea – 6º Ano C, Colégio São Vicente de Paulo – Jundiaí turning his computer on to play Super Mario